"A new show on HGTV called Cash & Cari has a Tappan Deluxe in the first episode. Sounds like it gets damaged however.I don't have cable, but if anyone watches this episode I hope they post a comment!
When: Saturday January 01 at 2pm eastern on HGTV
Also in this episode... Cari agrees to pay thousands for the contents of an entire home. But will she uncover enough treasures to justify the monumental cleanup? A rare vintage stove gets banged up on the way to the warehouse. And, back at the shop, a hopeful collector comes in with an Impressionist painting. But is it a real Degas?
There is also a photo gallery for the episode and there is a picture of the Tappan Deluxe."
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Tappan Deluxe on the Small Screen
I received an email from Jeff with a Tappan Deluxe sighting in the wild....
I have seen the new show advertised...I will be sure to watch now!