
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Joe's Tappan Deluxe Stove

One of Tappan Talk's readers emailed photos of his stove to share. Joe's stove is a model AV-669-16 named "Precious" :)  His stove has all of the bells and whistles - red glass back plates on the burner knobs, three chrome crisper drawers, and the "gold package" on the clock and handles.

He recently hunted down a replacement for the missing broiler handle trim piece in the photo.

You can see the sign on the far right side of the back splash indicating the stove is a CP stove. The clock has three knobs. The stove has a chrome base.  Note the burner cover trays stored in the side compartment doors.

Thanks for sharing!


  1. Precious! She is a beauty!!

  2. My Grandmother's stove is exactly the same, and is her pride and joy. Her drip pans are beginning to rust. Any idea where to get authentic replacements?

  3. Kate - Two options. Watch ebay - they come up for sale pretty frequently. Also, consider having them replated - look in the phone book under "replating" or talk to your local motorcycle shop and ask them who does their rechroming.
