
Monday, November 22, 2010

Open Microphone

I have been getting a lot of email questions lately. Most of which I can't answer.

What I thought I'd do is start a post that is purely questions (and hopefully, answers) from readers. This way we will have one location for readers to exchange information. I will then make a permanent link to this post and put it on the left side of the blog.

Please post any as a comment to this post.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Late 1940's Tappan

Angie sent me the following email about her stove, as well as a bunch of great photos:
"My husband and I moved into an old house that was built in the late 40's to early 50's.  In the basement we found an old Tappan 4 burner gas stove with oven.  I have looked at other pics of other Tappan ranges and they all have the timer dial in the center ( or at least thats what im thinking it is.  Anyway, I have included with my email several pictures of the stove.  Maybe you can tell me what year it is.  Sorry its not cleaned up yet.  We just began discussing the stove recently so I thought I'd try to do some hunting.  Thanks for any of your help, in advance :)"
I originally thought her stove was early 1940's.  I started looking through the 1940 and 1941 Sales Manuals I have and found a similar back splash and "cove" top, but the vents were vertical instead of horizontal like Angie's stove. Then I pulled out an older Owner's Manual (courtesy of Ron & Aiden) and bingo....found an illustration of a stove similar to Angie's. This would move Angie's stove to the late 1940's (possibly, 1946 -1947).

Also, note the similarities to Dionne's stove. I even (accidentally) hunted down the same Sales Manual picture.

Thanks Angie for sharing the photos!